Want to know more about the leading nerve pain expert in Caren Lieberman?

Caren Lieberman is the #1 back pain expert in Studio City, and has helped thousands of people overcome nerve pain and ??? without painkillers, injections or surgery.

But who is Caren Lieberman, and what makes her so different to all the doctors you've seen before who told you to rest, mask the problem with pills, and that you need to take it easier with your exercise, sports and active life because you're not as young as you once were?

Who Is Studio City’s Nerve Pain Expert Caren Lieberman?

Caren Lieberman is the number one nerve pain specialist in Studio City, Los Angeles, a physical therapist, holistic practitioner and Amino Neuro Frequency (ANF) pain therapist. 

Her passion lies in helping people who have pain disrupting their life, interfering with their ability to work out, play sport, and sometimes affecting their ability to work and provide for their family.  

With over 30 years of experience in the field of physical therapy, Caren is dedicated to helping people get out of pain, and truly understands pain due her own personal journey with nerve pain. 

Caren grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. At the age of 11, she woke up one night with excruciating pain, unlike anything she had experienced, extending throughout her whole body.  

Caren had contracted Guillain-Barré, a viral disease affecting the nerves. Within a matter of hours, she had complete paralysis of her body, except for the eyes – which were the only things she could move. Caren also lost her voice, meaning that although she was screaming in pain, nobody was able to hear. After this event, her left vocal cords did not recover. 

Caren has had her fair share of nerve pain, which is why she is committed to helping others overcome their issues with issues such as sciatica and lower back pain, so that they can return to their active lifestyles. 

An active lifestyle is something that Caren not only encourages, but also participates in herself. She is a keen cyclist, riding about 150 miles a week. Whether it’s playing pickleball on the court or relaxing with Pilates weekly and going swimming in the summer months, Caren enjoys an active routine. 

In addition to her professional successes, Caren takes pride in being a mother of four wonderful, now adult, kids, and has a German Shepherd, with whom she enjoys the simple pleasure of peaceful walks. 

Caren’s goal as a physical therapist is to get people back to doing the things they love, or back to doing the sport that they want to do. People come to see the number one nerve pain expert in Studio City because they've been dealing with pain either for a very long time, or they've been looking into options other than surgery.

What Makes Caren Lieberman the leading nerve Pain expert?

There are a number of things that sets Caren apart from other physical therapists.  

She prides herself on using highly effective hands-on manual therapy techniques, combined with newer innovative technologies, including amino neuro frequency (ANF).  

Caren's holistic approach to healing is about treating not just the condition, but the entire person for a more complete and lasting return to the patient’s desired lifestyle.  

Whether it may be a new injury, or a long -term chronic issue, Caren treats pain and inflammation injuries from head to toe, always happy to discuss the situation and discover if it is a condition Caren can help with.  

Perhaps unconventionally, Caren highlights the fact that she doesn’t have a waiting room – the appointment is at the exact time booked, minimizing the delay to recovery as much as possible. The aim is to get the individual back to 100% quickly, and Caren offers an option without surgery and without drugs that is fast acting.

What Makes Caren Lieberman the leading nerve Pain expert?

If you're looking to find out more information about working with the number one nerve pain therapist in Studio City, LA, there are several free options.  

If you want to get questions answered, but not quite ready to book an appointment, Caren is more than happy to have a conversation with you. You can schedule a time to talk with Caren on the phone with a free telephone consultation. This is an opportunity to figure out if physical therapy is for you, and allow Caren to determine that she can help you. 

And if you are looking to see if Physical Therapy Studio is right for you, you're welcome to schedule an appointment to come in for a 15-minute discovery visit. With a discovery visit, you have the chance to meet with Caren, the leading nerve pain expert in Studio City, LA, take a look around the clinic, and share your story with Caren so that she can have a better understanding of your condition.

Some people want to find out a little bit more about the cost and availability before booking an appointment. If that's where you're at, go ahead and click the button to ask about cost and availability.  

If you're ready to schedule an appointment, reach out to Caren today, and start your journey to a life free from nerve pain. 


I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physio is right for you. That's why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our Dublin clinic. Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalised advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural ways we can treat your Back Pain fast!

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