The approach of Studio City's leading

Nerve pain expert

Nerve pain and sciatica CAN be treat naturally without painkillers, injections or surgery – despite what you may have been told.

These are the core beliefs that my team and I follow in our Studio City clinic. Our methods can get you back to pain-free exercise, an uninterrupted night’s sleep, and being able to enjoy an active life.


BELIEF #1 - Your body can heal on it's own

One of her core beliefs is that the body has the ability to heal and repair without medication or surgery.  

Often, people present with pain, with muscle spasm, and with weakness. But just like the chicken and the egg - what came first, and does it matter, and what does it actually mean? 


BELIEF #2 - The nervous system controls everything

If nerves are inflamed, muscles will tighten, tense or spasm. 

What if muscle spasm is not the problem, but the way the body provides protection? Muscles tighten up or spasm to prevent any further movement and avoid damage to underlying tissues. 

This could happen because there was a muscle strain, an underlying anatomical problem or a nerve was inflamed or irritated. Muscle spasms are likely to keep recurring due to ongoing inflammation or instability.  


BELIEF #3 - Pain is a message, not a problem

Pain is the body's way of saying “Houston, we have a problem.” It's often the reason people seek help. .  

If pain inhibits strength, then strength may not be the problem. Patients with chronic low back pain who report a higher level of pain tend to show increased inhibition of muscle activity.

In manual muscle testing, Caren has seen that strength can increase by one to two grades when we bring pain down. 

Therefore, pain may not be the source of the problem, pain is merely the messenger. Inflammation may be the source of the problem. To heal and fix the issue, inflammation must be addressed first due to the close connection between pain and inflammation. When inflammation comes down, pain comes down.  

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Fix Your Nerve Pain In The Past?

And this is why when people visit Caren's clinic in Studio City, they get results - even if they've spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don't you go to Caren's clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit.

This means you see how she treats, can meet the rest of the team, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you're desperately searching for.

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